
JTomas Solutions NO HAIR WAX KIT with MANGOSTEEN EXTRACT is a revolutionary, safe, made easy, and very economical product in removing unwanted body hair of men and women. Has pure all natural mangosteen “xanthones” (outer covering of mangosteen’s seeds) extract, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It works best even on sensitive and delicate areas of the skin. It is preferred for its moisturizing and regenerating action on skin.
Removes unwanted hair from: arms, legs, bikini line, back, chest, underarms
Product Features:
- Has natural ingredients, safe on sensitive skin
- No unpleasant smell
- Removes hair down to the roots; excellent on coarser and longer hair, even of men
- Continuous use weakens roots and hair grows softer, thinner, finer
- Slows appearance of hair re-grow, of up to 3 to 6 weeks
- No heating needed
Components of kit:
- 250-gram wax hair remover
- spatula applicator
- 10 washable cloth strips
- step by step user’s guide.
- Read all precautions and instructions carefully before application
- Hair to be removed should be at least 1/8 of an inch or 3 millimeters long for wax to grip successfully.
- Work in a small area
- Application of the wax should be thin in the same directions of hair growth.
- Quickly pull the strip on the opposite direction of hair
- Do not rub or scratch area after waxing; do not use alcohol, astringents, SPF sunblocks, fragranced products such as perfume, lotions, anti-perspirants, etc.
- Do not wax more than once in ten (10) days.